
About Us

About us

Accommodation and Tourism industry are well represented over the internet but it is not easy to search and find the telephone number, email address, amenities, services images and directions of places in Tanzania.

Search engine results include many place and affiliated websites but real names, official contacts, phone numbers, and e-mail address are not easily found.

In fact, sometimes search results do not give the required official contact details at all.

HelloTZ of course takes care of it and provides all of the above!

How to contact the Place?

Most likely, you will contact the place by telephone or via email, after having a look at the website.
In this free directory, you will find the info required to contact the place: name, phone numbers, email, website, address. A useful service, we trust, to find and plan a leisure or business trip.
If you are the owner of the place, you may wish to appear in this directory. This is not difficult, you can just add your place free by contacting us through email (info@hellotz.com) then we will send the form to be filled up.

Direct booking or agency:

Once in contact with the place you can make your reservation directly. For many places, it is possible to make a reservation via online reservation agents.
Both ways are acceptable, you should just do what is most convenient to you. With regards to prices, it is always worthwhile comparing place different direct offers.

Is this site up to date?

As much as one of the best directories can! We regularly ask the owner of place to confirm his/her account and listing. If not confirmed within a set time the place is removed from the directory.

Information in this site is provided directly by the owners. We have no means, therefore no plan, to verify the information. We review and approve submissions one by one and check that websites submitted are place websites. We try to stop spammers from getting a listing in the directory.